Intentional Wedding Planning: Your Celebrant Guide to a Personalised Elopement

A wedding is more than just a fancy party or a quick dash to the town hall. It's a day where two people intentionally come together to declare their love, commitment, and shared vision for their future. But how do you make sure your wedding truly reflects your values, your beliefs, and your unique love story? That's where intentional wedding planning comes in.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Josh, what on earth are you on about? Isn't all wedding planning intentional?" Well, yes and no. Traditional wedding planning can often involve ticking off a checklist that's been handed down through generations. You know the one, it's got items like "book a church", "find a white dress", "order a three-tiered cake". That's all well and good, but it's not intentional. It's not a reflection of you as a couple.

So, let's talk about intentional wedding planning.

Starting with Questions

Intentional wedding planning begins with a series of questions. These aren't your run-of-the-mill, 'what colour do you want your bridesmaids to wear' kind of questions. They're deep, they're thought-provoking, and they can lead to some pretty enlightening conversations. Think along the lines of, "what values are most important to us as a couple?", "what do we absolutely love about weddings we've been to?", "what do we absolutely detest about weddings we've been to?" and "what expectations do we have for our big day?".

Determining Expenses and Setting a Date

Now, this might seem a bit backward, but hear me out. Instead of picking a date and then trying to cram all your expenses into whatever time you have left, why not determine your expenses first and then set a realistic date based on your finances?

Building Your Dream Team

A wedding is a team effort. From the celebrant (hello!) to the caterer, to the photographer, you'll want to build a team of vendors that not only share your vision but can also provide the services you desire. It's important to remember that these vendors are much more than just providers of a service, they're your partners in this journey.

The Main Event

No, it's not the reception, it's the ceremony. This is the moment where you declare your love and commitment to each other. It's the heart and soul of your wedding day. That's why it's important to find an officiant (again, hello!) that shares your values and can help you create a meaningful, personalised ceremony.

The Details

From clothing to hair, makeup to photography, music to lighting, every detail of your wedding should make you feel good. Choose vendors that align with your style and personality.

The Venue and Styling

These elements frame your day and set the tone for your celebration. Whether it's a grand hall or a backyard, the venue should reflect who you are as a couple. The same goes for styling, lighting, flowers, and catering. Every detail should be intentional and contribute to the overall feeling of your day.


Timing is everything. Start with your venue's deadline, consider the sunset time, and decide on your ideal ceremony time. Layer in other elements like preparations, photos, and reception events. Consult with your vendors and communicate your expectations clearly.

Enjoy the Process

Planning an intentional wedding might seem like a lot of work, but it should be a joyful process. It's about making choices that reflect you as a couple and creating a day that feels amazing without blowing the budget.

Remember, your wedding is just the beginning of your journey together. Plan it with intention and it will set the stage for a life of love, happiness, and shared purpose.


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